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Pitbull Isn’t The Strongest Or Most Aggressive – Stop The Pitbull Stigma

Dog Fighting is Termed Animal Cruelty.

Today, In some parts of the world, dogs are pitted to fight one another and this is termed animal cruelty.

Dog Fighting should be discouraged and frowned upon.

Dogs are loving, cute animals who would give their life to save the people they love. Killing and eating dog meats should also be discouraged.

Dogs are pets, they should be considered a family member not food for your pleasure. There are so many other meats you can eat from. Why eat dog meat?

According to premium times Nigeria. Do you know that Nigeria is the country with the third highest dog consumption rate in the world.

Do you know there are 4 Types of Pit Bull Dog Breed.

The American Bully

The American Pit Bull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

The American Pitbull terrier is said to have the strongest bite force of 235PSI , significantly smaller than that of a German Shepherd at 238PSI.

So, Is pitbull the strongest dog?


Kangal is the strongest dog, mostly due to its size and bite force of 743psi, a bite force stronger than a lion

Is Pitbull the most aggressive dog?


There are so many aggressive dogs that attack people and these breeds of dogs have been banned in many countries.

According to cheatsheet

PetHelpful reports that the pit bull is banned more frequently than any other breed — despite the fact that it’s not actually a singular breed.

The term “pit bull” actually applies to several breeds and mixes of breeds, but all of them face stigmas as “aggressive” and “dangerous.” PetHelpful notes, “Every time there is a biting incident, especially if it is serious, a pit bull is blamed. It does not matter if the dog is not a pit bull. If no one knows the dog breed involved, if no one identifies the dog, it is assumed to be a pit bull.”

Pit bulls get the blame not just because people have a bias against these dogs, but also because they’re biased against these dogs’ owners.

Anyways, the aggressiveness of dogs is solely due to how it’s trained by its owner.

Some owners train their dogs to be Wild and aggressive and this could lead to fatalities and casualties.

Are all Pitbulls Wild and aggressive?


I have a Pitbull that’s loyal, sweet, and playful, and would never hurt a fly.

Why are humans so afraid of Pitbull dogs?

The media is to be blamed, there’s a lot of exaggeration about the strength and capabilities of a pitbull.

Every dog breed has the tendency to be aggressive and vicious, there are so many dog breeds that are stronger and more powerful than a pitbull in terms of size, strength, and bite force.

I have heard a lot of rumors and exaggerations about Pitbulls so I decided to clarify the Stigma and misconceptions.

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