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Kangal vs Coyote: Size Matters – What You Need To Know

Can the stronger breed of dog, the Kangal, overcome its more formidable relative, the coyote?

What do you suppose would transpire if a coyote and a Kangal dog faced off?

The fact that one is a wild animal and the other is a guard dog is what sets them apart

The Kangal is Turkey’s national dog and it’s a fawn-colored, black-masked breed that originated in the Sivas region.

Because of their defensive breeding, these dogs are valuable to security personnel and livestock managers.

These dogs are capable of protecting people, property, and herds from wild animals that inhabit Africa and Turkey.

One of the smaller wild dog species, the coyote (Canis latrans), is renowned for its environmental adaptability and ability to flourish in a variety of environments.


The Kangal Dog

The Kangal Dog is a big and strong breed that’s been guarding against predators in Turkey for a while. It has a naturally developed large size, a wide head with droopy ears, and a curly tail. The dog’s coat is dense and short, with a body color ranging from pale dun to grey, along with a distinctive black mask and silky black ears.

At the withers, males measure an impressive 29 to 32 inches (74 to 81 cm) in height.

Males typically weigh between 136 and 176 lbs (62 and 80 kg), while females typically weigh between 110 and 154 lbs (50 and 70 kg), though the breed standard does not specify an ideal weight.

The Coyote

Coyotes are smaller than wolves and have a slender, pointed face with large ears.

Their fur color can range from grayish-brown to yellowish-gray, and they often have a bushy tail with a black tip.

Coyotes are generally 32 – 37 inches (81 – 94 cm) long and weigh around 20 – 50 lbs (9 – 23 kg).


The Kangal

The Kangal breed derives its name from the Kangal District in Sivas Province, Turkey, where it is thought to have originated. Many Turks consider it as the national dog of Turkey, despite its regional beginnings. In 1985, the Nelsons introduced the first Kangal Dog to the United States.

Authentic Kangal Dogs are located in the province of Sivas and the town of Kangal.


Coyotes are widespread in North and Central America, covering a large geographic area.

Because of their extreme adaptability, they can live well in a wide range of settings, including cities, forests, and deserts.

What do they eat?

Kangal dogs Diet
These Sivas Kangals used to consume leftovers from the villages, including bread, yoghurt, goat’s milk, and water.

It is likely that the historical diet of these guardians was deficient in high-quality protein, so you should choose high-quality kibble, though you are welcome to supplement with occasional raw meat. In proportion to their size, pangal dogs have enormous appetites.

Conversely, some ranchers decide to feed their animals only raw materials.

Coyotes Diet

Coyotes are opportunistic feeders and have a varied diet that includes small mammals, birds, fruits, and carrion.

They are known to adapt their diet based on the food available in their environment.

Kangal Dog behaviour

The Kangal Dog is mainly a guardian for livestock, known for being watchful, territorial, and protective of its bonded family or animals. With strength, speed, and bravery, it faces dangers to protect sheep and goats in Turkey and beyond. While they prefer scaring off threats, they won’t hesitate to attack if needed. With strangers, they’re reserved, but with family, they’re devoted and affectionate.

Coyotes behaviour

Coyotes are highly adaptable and are known for their intelligence.

They are opportunistic predators and can hunt alone or in pairs. Coyotes are known to form family groups and exhibit social behaviors.

Now, in a battle between a Kangal dog vs Coyote… who would win? Kangals and coyotes are both canids that descended from wolves and are members of the canid family.

Is it possible for the Kangal, the strongest breed of dog, to defeat one of its powerful cousins, the Coyote?

What would happen in a clash between a Kangal dog vs Coyote?

In most circumstances, coyotes are cunning predators who can outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents,

but when confronted with a determined Kangal, things can change. A Kangal has the ability to defeat a coyote!

Kangals are an ancient species bred to scare, deter, fight, and even kill huge predators such as coyotes, bears, and wolves.

The Kangal is more than capable of defeating coyotes, because of its powerful body, strong fighting instincts, and 743 PSI biting force.

They will not initiate a confrontation with a predator but will give them every opportunity to run, and if a fight does happen, the Kangal is strong and aggressive enough to give deadly bites and blows to any predator. Kangal Dog vs Grey Wolf size – which is more powerful?

Kangal dog vs Coyote – Which is stronger and could win a fight?

Of course, a Kangal dog in a one-on-one fight with a coyote; The coyote can bite the Kangal and injure him.

Most wild predators go for the neck, but most livestock guard dogs wear neck protectors like this!

Basically, this makes it extremely difficult for a coyote to get a grip on the neck, whereas the Kangal can simply grip it.

What makes coyotes dangerous to dogs is that while they may be close in size, they are completely different animals in every sense of the world.

Coyotes are wild animals that hunt for a living and are capable of taking down smaller prey. They’re also cunning creatures.

They hunt alone or in pairs, using clever tactics, and are capable of outwitting dogs. Coyotes, regardless of breed, will always represent a threat to dogs.

Kangals can kill coyotes, but the outcome of this encounter depends on various factors, including the size and strength of the individual animals. While a Kangal may have the advantage, a bigger or more agile coyote could pose a significant challenge.


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